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Technical Assistance Provider

Victim Rights Law Center, Portland Office

About this Organization

The Victim Rights Law Center is the first law center in the nation dedicated solely to advocating for the civil legal needs of sexual assault survivors.  The VRLC provides direct legal representation to victims of rape and sexual assault in Oregon. Survivors are self-identified meaning criminal charges are not required to be a VRLC client. There is no age, income, citizenship, or immigration status restriction and clients may include family members in immigration cases. Legal services must be related to the sexual assault.

VRLC attorneys provide consultation and legal representation in the areas of victim advocacy*, safety and privacy*, benefits and financial stability*, housing*, employment*, education, immigration, and identity document changes.  

*Tri county area only (Multnomah, Clackamas & Washington; survivor must live, work, go to school, or have been assaulted in relevant geographic location).

Contact Information

Anyone who is interested in becoming a client can call VRLC’s intake line, 24 hours a day, and leave a message. No drop-ins.

Intake Line: (503) 274-5477 extension 6

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center (FIAC)

About this Organization


Lucha is a partner under ASISTA, an OVW TA provider. The purpose of Lucha (under the OVW TA Project) is to centralize assistance for advocates and attorneys facing complex legal problems in advocating for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. ASISTA also provides training in collaboration with other OVW TA providers. ASISTA has a resource clearinghouse accessible online. 


Type of Organization

Center for Child and Family Studies

About this Organization

The Center for Child & Family Studies seeks to improve the well-being of children, adults and families in South Carolina and nation. It partners with public and private agencies to build, maintain, and restore families and communities....Our programs provide direct services to the community [or] are designed to strengthen the infrastructure of the human services professions.  This research project seeks to examine the relationship between victimization and offending for girls referred to the juvenile justice system.  

Type of Organization

National Center for Rural Law Enforcement at the University of Arkansas

About this Organization

The National Center for Rural Law Enforcement provides training, curriculum, trends updates, and technical assistance to law enforcement agencies in rural areas nationally.  Technical assistance related to Rural Sexual Assault Curriculum Development is a current project of this organization.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

The National District Attorneys Association

About this Organization

The National District Attorneys Association's National Center for the Prosecution of Violence Against Women (NCPVAW) exists to serve prosecutors, members of the prosecution team and other allied professionals as they strive to deliver justice to all survivors of domestic violence / dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking and to hold criminals accountable. We all know that in reality domestic violence does not discriminate in selecting its victims from among members of our families, communities, schools, places of worship and places of work; the places in our world that should be safe from violence. While we are painfully aware that anyone can be a victim of domestic violence irrespective of age, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status, studies do support the fact that the majority of the victims are females who are unfortunately abused by their male or female partners.  We do not, nonetheless, overlook men who may be victims of these acts of violence by their male or female partners. Although these studies and statistics may be complex our mission is straight forward: to spread education and awareness to ensure that men and women work collaboratively to end the devastating impact caused by domestic violence to all victims.
·        We host national training events, the Prosecuting Sexual Assault Cases Course.

·        We can design and provide hands-on trial advocacy training geared towards developing and fine tuning litigation skills for prosecutors who handle sex crimes and domestic violence / dating violence and stalking cases.

·        We provide training at state and local conferences on subjects that are relevant to the jurisdictions, expertly delivered by experienced and tested trial and appellate prosecutors as well as scientific and medical experts.

·        We design and conduct multi-day state and local trainings, in consultation with our hosts, to address the needs expressed by the jurisdiction and audience type.

·        We provide resources on topics relevant to the prosecution of sexual assault, domestic violence, domestic violence in late life, dating violence, stalking and cyber stalking.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Oregon Attorney General's Sexual Assault Task Force

About this Organization

The mission of the SATF is to develop and support an effective, consistent and collaborative approach to the response to and reduction of adult and adolescent sexual assault in Oregon. They provide Technical Assistance through the National Sexual Assault Training and Capacity Building Project.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served