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Offenders and Offending

National award honors Dr. Alissa Ackerman and Casey Ballinger for outstanding contributions to preventing sexual abuse, assault, and harassment Laura Palumbo Mon, 08/05/2024

For the first time, the Gail Burns-Smith Award honors two advocates who are bridging support for survivors with treatment for those who cause sexual harm.

Key Findings from Child Sexual Abuse: The Need for a Perpetration Prevention Focus NSVRC Tue, 07/12/2022

Using the public health framework to develop and guide prevention efforts to prevent the perpetration of child sexual abuse, this research translation highlights several programs that focus on preventing the onset of abusive behaviors as a necessary component to an overall prevention plan.

Key Findings from National Prevalence of Sexual Violence by a Workplace-Related Perpetrator Emily Bigger Tue, 07/21/2020

A new analysis on workplace sexual violence has been published, providing a new window into workplace-related sexual violence. This analysis provides information into specific types of sexual violence people have experienced by a workplace-related perpetrator and offers a closer look at the perpetrators of these behaviors.

Publish Date

July 2020