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Department of Defense Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military

This report is produced by Department of Defense and various Service branches to help address the crime of sexual assault within the Military. The data provided in such reports serve as the foundation and catalyst for future sexual assault prevention, training, victim care and accountability goals. It is available in 2 parts for download.

View Volume I

May 2013 Policy Statement Military Sexual Assault

Sexual assault within the military continues to occur at alarming levels with 26,000 anonymously reported incidents in 2012 alone according to Department of Defense (DoD) estimates. During this same period, only 3,300 service members reported their assaults. Meanwhile, the nation is confronted with headlines of high-level military sexual assault leaders acting in sexually abusive ways. Combined with the heart-wrenching stories of survivors, these facts reveal the depth of the problem of military sexual assault (MSA) and demand incisive action.

Sexual Violence in the Military

This VAWNet Special Collection addresses sexual violence against military service members, defines Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and offers resources (including information on current policy, procedures, legislation, and litigation) to support the prevention of and response to sexual violence as it impacts service members and veterans in the United States.


Publish Date

September 2011

2008 Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members

This report includes a summary of Department of Defense (DoD) policies and programs associated with sexual assault and a description of the WGRR 2008 survey content and methodology. In addition, the report includes an analysis of the prevalence of Reserve component members’ experiences of unwanted sexual contact, sexual harassment, and sex discrimination in the Reserve components in the twelve months prior to taking the survey and the details of incidents they have experienced.