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Intersections of Sexual Violence

Hate Crimes, 2003-2009

This report presents counts and rates of hate crimes for each year between 2003 and 2009.  It discusses the perceptions of victims who experienced violent crimes on they believe their perpetrators targeted them in committing these crimes.  An average of 195,000 hate crimes were committed each year in this period.


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Sex Trafficking in a Border Community: A Field Study of Sex Trafficking in Tijuana, Mexico

This research report discusses the findings of a study conducted largely in a border town in Mexico.  The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with individuals directly engaged in the sex trade.  According to the report, previous information on human trafficking relied heavily on information provided by agencies responding to it, including advocacy groups and law enforcement, but little direct research has been conducted.  This study sought to determine the extent to which coercion and mani

Forging New Collaborations: A Guide for Rape Crisis, Domestic Violence, and Disability Organizations Ali Mailen Perrotto Tue, 05/31/2011

The Vera Institute recently released a new guide for organizations that provide sexual violence, domestic violence, and disability services.  This guide seeks to increase avenues for partnership and collaboration between these three types of services, recognizing that people often face co-occurring issues.  The authors of the guide hope to provide background to help meet the needs of women with disabilities, who commonly face sexual

Final Report on the Evaluation of the SAGE Project’s LIFESKILLS and GRACE Programs

This research report discusses two programs developed by SAGE.  The LIFESKILLS program works with youth considered to be at risk for sexual exploitation.  The GRACE program works with adults who have been arrested for prostitution.  This research used a four-part participatory evaluation model, and findings suggest that involvement with these programs reduces contact with the criminal justice system.  The researchers also made recommendations for program improvement.

Competencies Needed by Health Professionals for Addressing Exposure to Violence and Abuse In Patient Care Ali Mailen Perrotto Thu, 04/21/2011

This publication is provided as a starting point for professional organizations and educational institutions to prepare their helping professionals, including doctors, dentists, nurses, veterinarians, and beyond, to develop the skills and competencies needed to meet the needs of individuals who may have experienced abuse and violence.

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