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The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence. NSVRC translates research and trends into best practices that help individuals, communities and service providers achieve real and lasting change. The center also works with the media to promote informed reporting. Every April, NSVRC leads Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a campaign to educate and engage the public in addressing this widespread issue. NSVRC is also one of the three founding organizations of Raliance, a national, collaborative initiative dedicated to ending sexual violence in one generation.

In the first part of a two-part episode, Mo talks with DeAnn Alcantara Thompson and Sid Jordan about Mapping Prevention, a community participatory action research project that helped shape the direction of prevention funding in King County, WA. Learn more about Mapping Prevention Dakota Camacho: https://www.dakotacamacho.com/ Darin Dorsey: https://www.rootingmovements.org/about-us The Coalition to End Gender-Based Violence: https://endgv.org      API Chaya: https://apichaya.org

This brief provides information on how Rape Prevention and Education funded programs connect the dots between health equity and anti-oppression work.

This brief provides information on the impact of COVID-19 on Rape Prevention and Education programs and how they adapted during the first year of the pandemic. 

This publication includes a description of the background for NSVRC National Strengths and Needs Assessments and the methodology for the 2021 survey administered to Rape Prevention and Education funded programs and agencies. 

On this podcast, NSVRC Evaluation Coordinator, Sally Laskey talks with researchers Dr. Nicole Allen and Aggie Rieger about how to better support those working to prevent sexual violence.    Participants Sally J. Laskey, NSVRC evaluation coordinator Nicole Allen, Professor, Vanderbilt University Aggie Rieger, PhD. Student, University of Illinois   Article discussed in the episode Contradictions in change: Ecological factors in the implementation of outer layer sexual violence prevention https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajcp.12672 Project Partners Illinois

The COVID-19 pandemic deeply impacted and continues to impact our communities. In order to meet the needs of the changing landscape of learning, many curricula and interventions have provided virtual adaptation guidance and resources to their implementers. In addition to consulting the guidance below, implementers are encouraged to contact their funder and use guidance outlined by the CDC's Veto Violence Select, Adapt, Evaluate tool.  To view the chart click here. NSVRC would like to thank our partners at Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI) for their support and partnership in developing and

On this podcast, Sally Laskey, NSVRC Evaluation Coordinator talks to collaborative partners from PhotoVoice Worldwide and local preventionists in Ohio that worked with the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence in creating a culturally responsive and anti-violence centric toolkit on how to use Photovoice in sexual violence prevention work. Participants: Sally J. Laskey, NSVRC evaluation coordinator, Erica Belli (she/her), Educator and Project Manager at Photovoice Worldwide, Stephanie Lloyd (she/her), MA, Consulting Lead at Photovoice Worldwide, Lisa Huendorf, she/her pronouns, education

This podcast is an excerpt from NSVRC’s webinar “Applying Principles Focused Evaluation in the Sexual Violence Prevention Context.” Learn the basics about how this evaluation approach was applied in Washington state, and then learn more including getting to walk through specific activities and examples by viewing the full webinar recording, webinar handouts and recording through the links in the show notes. Participants: Sally J. Laskey, NSVRC evaluation coordinator and Tatiana Masters, research & evaluation consultant

  On this episode, NSVRC’s Mo Lewis talks with Maddy LaCure and Paté Mahoney about environmental and situational prevention and ways practitioners can bring this approach to their prevention efforts. Participants: Maddy LaCure, Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Paté Mahoney, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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