Resources by NSVRC | El Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre Violencia Sexual (NSVRC) Pasar al contenido principal
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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

A safe place to live is a human right for all. However, societal inequities prevent equal access to affordable, safe, and stable housing. 

Aunque los lugares de trabajo varían, las Medidas para un lugar de trabajo sano descritas en este recurso pudieran ser apropiadas en diferentes entornos laborales. 

El acoso, la agresión y el abuso sexual son problemas que abarcan por completo a comunidades y culturas enteras. Por esto es importante que las comunidades evalúen los sistemas existentes en su entorno que lo permiten, a quién benefician y qué se puede hacer para garantizar que todas las víctimas de acoso, abuso y agresión sexual tengan acceso a los recursos que necesitan. 

Aunque esta tarjeta está dirigida a todas las audiencias, los lectores blancos deberían prestar más atención a cómo las estructuras y sistemas de poder en el lugar de trabajo pudieran beneficiarlos a expensas de otros.

Es importante conocer la diferencia entre estos términos, equidad e igualdad, y cómo se relacionan entre sí, porque a veces una solución ideal para una persona quizá no ayude a otra. 

Like all forms of oppression, racism is among the root causes of sexual violence. We can help build safe communities for all people by fighting against racism, educating ourselves, and having conversations about these issues with our children and young people in our lives. As a parent or guardian, you can use these tools and resources to build trust and have open communication with your child about sexual violence and racism. 

While this card is intended for all audiences, white readers should pay close attention to how workplace power structures and systems may benefit them at the expense of others. It is important that everyone is encouraged to take the time to examine their own potential biases in the workplace. It is up to all of us to shape a racially equitable workplace that promotes respect and to protects against sexual harassment, assault, and abuse. 

 Sexual harassment, assault, and abuse are problems that extend across entire communities and cultures. This is why it is important for communities to examine the systems within their communities that permit it, whom they benefit, and what can be done to ensure that every victim of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault has access to the resources they need. 

Violence within our workplaces affects everyone, including employers, employees, staff, managers, and customers.  Although workplaces vary, the Healthy Workplace Actions described in this resource may be appropriate for a variety of work environments. 

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