Law Enforcement Survey Officer’s Name_____________________ Questions related to the exam: Did you have all the information you needed in order to respond? Did the nurse responding to the call: Display respect for the victim Y N NA Communicate clearly with the victim Y N NA Display compassion for the victim Y N NA Display an understanding of the victim’s experience Y N NA Provide information to the victim on health issues/follow-up Y N NA Explain information concerning Victims Compensation Assistance Y N NA Comments/Concerns: Did the advocate who responded to the call: Display respect for the victim Y N NA Communicate clearly with the victim Y N NA Display compassion for the victim Y N NA Display an understanding of the victim’s experience Y N NA Provide information to the victim on health issues/follow-up Y N NA Explain information concerning Victims Compensation Assistance Y N NA Comments/Concerns: Did you have any concerns about the ER staff and/or SART members during the exam and interview process? Is there anything else you would like to share about this particular case? Questions related to your experience as in law enforcement 1. How long have you been in law enforcement? a. 0-5 years b. 6-15 years c. 16-20 years d. 20+ years How many years in this county? a. 0-5 years b. 6-15 years c. 16-20 years d. 20+ years 2. How many sexual assault cases have you responded to in this county? a. 0-5 b. 6-15 c. 16-20 d. 20+ Questions related to your role on the SART 1. What is your greatest challenge with SART cases? 2. What is your greatest need as a SART team member? 3. Are there any areas for growth or possible changes that could be made to the program to address effectiveness or efficiency? Initials of Interviewer _______________ Tools for Evaluating & Assessing Your SART/SANE Program (p. 11) by Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, n.d. Retrieved from Reprinted with permission.