A Comparison of Three Approaches to Case Conversations Systems Consultation Brought to whole team Protocol/system monitoring As issues arise that need attention Based on MOU relationship Focus on system Reactive to emerging issue – positive or negative Case Review Brought to whole team Protocol/system monitoring Infrequently – quarterly/semiannually Based on MOU relationship Focus on case and system Reactive to closed case Active Case Management Brought to select subset of team Case processing related to protocol Regularly – weekly/monthly Based on MOU relationship Focus on case and system Proactive related to open cases What Can We Talk About? A Guidebook for How Sexual Assault Response Teams Discuss Sexual Assault Cases (p. 17) by Sexual Violence Justice Institute at Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 2012. Retrieved from http://mncasa.org/assets/PDFs/SVJI-Case%20Conversations%20Guidebook.pdf Reprinted with permission.