Prevention | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Skip to main content
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Foundations of HUD Coordinated Entry and Housing for Survivors of Sexual Violence

These sessions provide attendees with a foundational understanding of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuums of Care (CoC) and a practical understanding of the coordinated entry process. Information includes ways communities can design coordinated entry access points, trauma informed assessment and prioritization approaches, and data safety considerations.

Workshop 6- Wrapping Up This Series: Where do we go from here to prevent sexual violence during COVID-19?

PreventConnect and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center have hosted five previous web conferences in the series Sexual Violence Prevention During COVID-19: Adapting in an Ever-Changing Landscape. As we conclude this iteration of the series, join PreventConnect and NSVRC for this web conference where participants will reflect on key learnings from earlier web conferences in this series and explore ways to transform those learnings into action despite an ever-changing COVID-19 landscape.

Revisiting Health Equity and Preventing Sexual Assault

"A health equity approach to preventing sexual violence means that we need to both understand and address the factors that contribute to violence and safety and factors that expose some communities — especially communities that have been historically oppressed — to higher rates of sexual violence". (NSVRC, 2019)
Prefacing Health Equity: